On 07/04/2012 03:33 AM, Anshuman Aggarwal wrote:
> Hi,
>   I have the following rules to transparently redirect all port 80
> traffic (including that originating on the firewall itself)  to my
> firewall+proxy server while not going into a redirect loop for the
> processes running on the server itself (by excluding using !:group).
> However, a local process running on the server is also seeing its
> traffic redirected to the proxy resulting in a forwarding loop?
> Any ideas, or what are the requirements for the exclusion by group?
> REDIRECT        loc             33128   tcp     www     -       !
> REDIRECT        $FW             33128   tcp     www     -
> !    -       !:proxy

When I try that, I don't get a forwarding loop; but it doesn't work and 
I'm seeing this:

Jul  4 07:09:19 gateway fw-net REJECT  IN= OUT=eth1 SRC= 
DST= LEN=60 TOS=00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=61499 CE DF PROTO=TCP 
SPT=37282 DPT=3128 SEQ=2835240680 ACK=0 WINDOW=5840 SYN URGP=0

Note that it is trying to route packets to the local system 
(DST= out of eth1. The ip stack doesn't seem to be re-routing 
the packet after NAT is applied. This is on Debian Squeeze.

Tom Eastep        \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline,         \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA     \ all of the passengers in his car
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