I'm setting up a new SW instance, on a Fedora32 server.

shorewall-lite version


I compile locally, and push to remotes, as per my usual.

I've configured 2 providers,

cat providers

myisp 1 0x100 - EXT_IF detect track,balance

myvpn 2 0x200 - VPN_IF $VPN_ENDPT track,fallback

When I compile/push, i get this fatal error

Adding Providers...

Error: argument "myisp" is myisp: invalid table ID

ERROR: Command "/usr/sbin/ip -4 rule add fwmark 0x100/0xff00 pref 10000
table myisp" Failed

Processing stop user exit ...

which originates @

cat firewall


start_provider_myisp() {

if [ -n "$SW_ENP2S0_IS_USABLE" ]; then

qt ip -4 route flush table myisp

echo "$IP -4 route flush table myisp > /dev/null 2>&1" >

cat <<EOF >> ${VARDIR}/undo_myisp_routing

case \$COMMAND in




rm -f ${VARDIR}/enp2s0.status




if [ $COMMAND = enable ]; then

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/enp2s0/log_martians

echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/enp2s0/accept_source_route


qt $IP -4 rule del fwmark 0x100/0xff00

!!! run_ip rule add fwmark 0x100/0xff00 pref 10000 table myisp

echo "$IP -4 rule del fwmark 0x100/0xff00 > /dev/null 2>&1" >>

run_ip route replace $SW_ENP2S0_GATEWAY src $SW_ENP2S0_ADDRESS dev enp2s0

run_ip route replace $SW_ENP2S0_GATEWAY src $SW_ENP2S0_ADDRESS dev enp2s0
table myisp

run_ip route replace default via $SW_ENP2S0_GATEWAY src $SW_ENP2S0_ADDRESS
dev enp2s0 table myisp

DEFAULT_ROUTE="via $SW_ENP2S0_GATEWAY dev enp2s0 "


i've been trying to track down the possible problem causing that "invalid
table ID" error; so far, no luck.

my 1st guess was a missing dependency ... but it that's it, I've managed to
miss it :-/

*what* exactly is _invalid_ about that ID? or it that message just a
symptom of some other issue? any hints? even where to start to look?
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