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JAKARTA, (SiaR, 18/9/99).  Seven groups within the student movement have 
spoken out against the use of violence by security apparatus in confronting 
demonstrations to reject the Emergency Draft Laws.  The students also called 
for President Habibie to step down and for the revocation of the TNI's 
mandate as the national military.  If TNI continues its repression, students 
will prepare counter-action with force.

Thus the statement of seven groups of the student movement in a press 
conference at the Jakarta University, Thursday (16/9) in Jakarta.  The seven 
groups are:  City Forum (Forum Kota, or FORKOT), Student Action Front for 
Reform and Democracy (Front Aksi Mahasiswa untuk Reformasi dan Demokrasi, or 
Famred), Communication Forum of the Jakarta Student Senates (Forum Komunikasi 
Senat Mahasiswa Jakarta, or FKSMJ), Committee of Students and the People for 
Democracy (Komite Mahasiswa dan Rakyat untuk Demokrasi, or Komrad), The 
University of Indonesia Student Family (Keluarga Besar Mahasiswa Universitas 
Indonesia, KBUI), Student Forum for Economic Reform (Forum Reformasi Ekonomi 
Mahasiswa, FREM), United Action of Trisakti Students (Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa 
Trisakti, Kamtri).

As evidence of their seriousness, the students called on all the people to 
join students in action throughout the Jabotabek [Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, 
Bekasi] area on 17 September to demand: that President Habibie step down 
immediately because he has betrayed the nation; reject the Emergency Draft 
Laws which will kill democracy and are the beginning of a Military coup, and 
the immediate release of all pro-democracy elements detained by the TNI and 
the Police.

"The political elite are trapped in dealing with the Bank Bali scandal, and 
do not care about the aspirations of the people.  When the people reject the 
Emergency Draft Laws of the military, and when they are treated with 
violence, as in Pejompongan, the people's representatives don't care," said 
Arry Birong, a student spokesperson.

In a statement titled "Looking Towards the Future," the students see that the 
spirit and demands of reform have not been recognised by the Habibie regime 
and the military. They are manouevering to use power as a means of 
appropriating the wealth of the state.

According to Elly Salomo of Forkot, last Wednesday's beatings by riot squads 
and police of demonstrators rejecting the Draft Emergency Laws at Pejompongan 
and the shooting of the Team for Humanity's field co-ordinator in front of 
the UN office in Jakarta on the same day, show that the TNI have no intention 
of changing their basic paradigm relying on violence.  "The state apparatus 
responsible for creating a sense of security are in fact using all their 
facilities to confront the people. For this reason, students threaten to 
revoke the mandate of the TNI, and are prepared to begin violent action to 
counteract military repression," the student stated.

SiaR has received information that Police Lieutenant (first class) Makmur
Simbolon issued orders to his troops to shoot Azas Tigor Nainggolan in front
of the UN office building, Wednesday (15/9).  A witness on the scene heard
the command, "Shoot, shoot! I will take responsibility!" he shouted to his


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