I have just submitted updates to draft-ietf-sidr-arch and draft-ietf-roa-format

The only substanative change to the roa-format draft was to reference the algorithm and key size specifications in draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-algs (as is currently done in the rpki-manifests document).

The only substanative change to the architecture draft was to incorporate a suggestion from Randy Bush that entities who are actually using RPKI data for routing SHOULD be fetching fresh data from the repositories at least once every three hours.

Additionally, I made a number of very small edits (i.e., bug fixes) to both documents.

Thanks to Larry Blunk, Roque Gagliano, Charlie Gardner and Randy Bush for helpful comments and reviews.

Both of these drafts appear to be quite stable and I know of no open issues in either document.

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