On 29/10/2009, at 9:32 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

folk going down this rathole might consider two things

rpki-rtr suggests that the number of global fetchers will be radically
 lest than the number of global asns

 there might be ca chain depth of 3-6 for which a 24 hour cycle would
 mean a three day delay, making operators remember curtis unfondly


We modelled producer timing on a particular view of the world. I don't have a problem that the view of the world has changed, and that consumer-side timing issues have to be re-considered.

I *think* that even bearing them in mind, the producer side modelling is still probably valid.

If anyone thinks that producers need to be advised to rendezvous more than 4x in a 24h period, I think it would help to know. I don't think we're in crisis point for it going up btw, but I do think that the cost of processing will come into the limits on this at some point.

In any case, I think abstracting this into operational practice statements is better than wedging it into architecture.

There is an aspect of the times for re-publication which are published in certificates and manifests and CRLS defining the lower bound: everyone has to go fetch inside a cycle time which will respect them, or wear the consequences for things falling out-of-age.

But the upper bound sanity check, the 'avoid excess work' isn't so clear to me right now.

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