Hi Stewart,

I'm struggling to see how draft-ietf-sidr-repos-struct could exist as a
Standards Track document without a significant rewrite and then passing back
through both WG and IETF last calls.

The document at this stage is structured as a _recommendation_ to RPKI
participants on one particular RPKI naming scheme.

While I think that having the files in the RPKI have particular extensions
helps relying parties decode the structure, I'm not convinced that turning
that into a standards action is a healthy option.

At this stage I feel more comfortable leaving it as BCP.


On 16/07/11 5:53 AM, "Stewart Bryant" <stbry...@cisco.com> wrote:

> During IESG review the there was a preference for
> draft-ietf-sidr-repos-struct to be Standards Track
> rather than BCP.
> Making this change does not require a new IETF LC.
> I want to get sense of whether the WG would be OK
> with this change of track.
> If anyone has a reason not to change to Standards
> Track, please let me know by 29th July.
> Thanks
> Stewart
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