On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 4:16 AM, Jeffrey Haas <jh...@pfrc.org> wrote:
> Jakob,
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 03:51:10AM -0400, Jakob Heitz wrote:
>> Could we not put a freshness indication into the BGP update?
>> Then everyone that receives the new update would know to invalidate the less 
>> fresh paths.
> Just to be clear, this is not a route freshness mechanism I am
> recommending.  What I am recommending is a signal that a repository has
> newer data that may be needed for validation.

the comment at the mic from Mr Hoffman was interesting to me,
potentially signalling via something akin to RSS/Atom, something light
weight and simple.


> Given such a mechanism, we may be able to reduce the work upon the
> repository mirroring system (distributed or not) by not having to regularly
> poll for new objects frequently unless the repository indicates there is new
> data present.
> -- Jeff
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