
On May 23, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
>> (1) AS_PATH
>> There was one agenda topic that we never directly addressed at the 30
>> Apr meeting.  That topic was the absence of the AS_PATH attribute from
>> the bgpsec protocol.  (The info normally contained in the AS_PATH is
>> contained in the bgpsec attributes.)
> well, actually, the discussion in april was walking around many of the
> implications thereof.  it is hard to discuss "do we keep/replace
> AS[4]_PATH" as it is abstract and draws deep philosophical discourse
> with no hard handles on technical decision points.
> otoh, i would be really interested in hearing/discussing if anyone sees
> any show-stoppers to the current draft doing so.
> i am amused that the current draft says, in the intro,
>   2.  Every AS listed in the AS_Path attribute of the update explicitly
>       authorized the advertisement of the route to the subsequent AS in
>       the AS_Path.
> when there is no bgpsec as_path. :)
>> The absence of the AS_PATH did come up in discussing other topics (see
>> the minutes), but we did not discuss it directly.
> see above
>> (2) router private key provisioning.
>> In the interim in San Diego, there were requests (from operators) that
>> guidance to operators of how to provision a router with the needed
>> keys would be a good idea.  We had some discussion in the Paris
>> meeting of two drafts discussing provisioning the routers with their
>> needed private keys.  There's also been a recent flurry of discussion
>> on the list.
> no comments on the new version of draft-ietf-sidr-rtr-keying-00.txt.
> would appreciate some now or we can ask for wglc.
> there have been no comments on list to confed and aliasing.  may we call
> them done?

Can you expound more what you mean by "aliasing" above?  Do you mean local-as, 
etc. 'hacks' to the AS_PATH attribute?

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