
On 2 Jun 2012, at 01:00, Murphy, Sandra wrote:
> The authors have stated that they believe that 
> draft-ietf-sidr-pfx-validate-06 "BGP Prefix Origin Validation" is ready for a 
> working group last call.

Prefix validate assumes full knowledge of all applicable ROAs (or other sources 
of information if they are used) and I believe this should be stated more 

The security considerations section addresses the possibility of a malicious 
attacker tampering with the database that is used for validation. It does not 
address the possibility of a database becoming incomplete for other reasons. 

In particular I am worried about repositories:
1- being completely unreachable for a prolonged time
2- being inconsistent


A relying party tool may choose to use old information if a repository can not 
be reached. This assumes that the RP has this old data, and it will only work 
for a while. There is some unclarity what to do if the manifest goes stale 
(next update time in the past) vs a manifest EE certificate expiring 
(http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6486#section-5.1 dictates a one-time use EE cert 
should match this).

In particular consider this case:

Parent CA:
- has cert for 10/8
- ROA for 10.0/16 AS A
- signed cert to child for

Child CA:
- publication point is unreachable, old data expired (new RP instances unaware 

There is a very real possibility that the parent's ROA invalidates the child 

I believe that the only reasonable, automated, action an RP can take in this 
case is to disregard any INRs mentioned on the child CA's cert whose pub point 
is unreachable.


With inconsistent I mean the following cases:
- hash invalid for ROA
- missing ROA
- surplus ROA

The RP has a very tough time deciding what to do:
- the invalid ROA could be a publication error, or it could be that another ROA 
with the same name was intended to be published, but we didn't see it
- a missing ROA could validate an announcement that is now considered invalid 
because of another ROA
- the surplus ROA's intention is unclear, it could be that the CA forgot to 
delete and revoke this, and it's invalidating announcement(s)

I understand that the authors intended manifests as a replay detection 
mechanism and most of the wording regarding validation uses SHOULDs and 'local 
policy'. However, I believe that this is not strong enough for pfx-validate. 
Local policy sounds very reasonable when in doubt, but I have no faith that 
operators will have enough knowledge to make educated decisions in all these 
cases. By and large I expect that operators will go with the *default* local 
policy decisions that are implemented in the RP tool they use.

In short I think that pfx-validate's requirement for full knowledge dictate 
that there MUST be a valid manifest listing the ROAs the CA intended to 
publish, they MUST all be present, all be valid, and no additional ROAs for the 
publication point can be considered.

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