Apologies for taking so long to review this document.

This is a well constructed template and I have only 6 concerns to be

1) My first observation is that the CPS takes an organisational view (and
that is expected) of the RPKI CA's in action, and while it certainly
provides allowances for multiple CA's within an organisation (s 1.3.1)
There are situations that the 'organisation' will have different
personalities. To which I would like "organisation" to also explicitly
include wording that includes 'business unit.'

2) In section 1.3.5, "Specify the entity that operatesŠ" Entity should
most definitely be plural. Yes, I accept that is a little(?) picky.

3) Nit: Section 1.6 Page 11. There appears to be an extra "<tab>-" in the
definition if ISP, NIR, and RPKI-signed object.

4) Section 2.1 "via RSYNC". Can that be adjusted to "standardised
mechanisms supported by RPKI"? or something similar?

5) In section 4.1.1, can "Any subscriber who holds..", be amended to "Any
vetted and approved subscriber who holds.."

6) Can you explain why compromise and disaster recovery (s5.7) was omitted
from the template?


On 22/02/13 2:30 PM, "Chris Morrow" <morr...@ops-netman.net> wrote:

>WG folks,
>As the subject states, let's please start a WGLC poll for the document:
>   draft-ietf-sidr-cps-01
>   <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-sidr-cps-01>
>with the abstract:
>  "This document contains a template to be used for creating a
>   Certification Practice Statement (CPS) for an Organization that is
>   part of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), e.g., a
>   resource allocation registry or an ISP."
>So far the authors have made a few revisions, with updates based on
>comments/feedback, at this time the document has been stable for more
>than 6 months time, let's move this along if there are no further
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