Hi Steve,

I appreciate the very rapid revisions.

I am perfectly happy with all of the proposed revisions below.

I think the amended document is ready to progress.


On 28/02/2013, at 4:26 PM, Stephen Kent wrote:

> Terry,
> Thanks for the feedback. Below are responses to your comments.
> On 2/27/13 11:48 PM, Terry Manderson wrote:
>> Apologies for taking so long to review this document.
>> This is a well constructed template and I have only 6 concerns to be
>> addressed.
>> 1) My first observation is that the CPS takes an organisational view (and
>> that is expected) of the RPKI CA's in action, and while it certainly
>> provides allowances for multiple CA's within an organisation (s 1.3.1)
>> There are situations that the 'organisation' will have different
>> personalities. To which I would like "organisation" to also explicitly
>> include wording that includes 'business unit.'
> How about the following revision to the preface:
>    This document contains a template to be used for creating a
>    Certification Practice Statement (CPS) for an Organization that is
>    part of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). (Throughout this 
> document 
>    the term “Organization” is used broadly, e.g., the entity in question 
> might 
>   be a business unit of a larger organization.) 
>> 2) In section 1.3.5, "Specify the entity that operatesŠ" Entity should
>> most definitely be plural. Yes, I accept that is a little(?) picky.
>    <Specify one or more entities that operate a repository holding 
> certificates,
>    CRLs, and other RPKI-signed objects issued by this Organization, and
>    provide a URL for the repository.>
>> 3) Nit: Section 1.6 Page 11. There appears to be an extra "<tab>-" in the
>> definition if ISP, NIR, and RPKI-signed object.
> fixed.
>> 4) Section 2.1 "via RSYNC". Can that be adjusted to "standardised
>> mechanisms supported by RPKI"? or something similar?
>    The <Name of Organization> RPKI CA will publish certificates, CRLs,
>    and RPKI-signed objects via a repository that is accessible via
>    <insert SIDR-designted protocol name here> at <insert URL here>. This 
> repository will 
>    conform to the structure described in [RFC6481].
>> 5) In section 4.1.1, can "Any subscriber who holds..", be amended to "Any
>> vetted and approved subscriber who holds.."
>    Any subscriber in good standing who holds INRs distributed by this 
>    Organization may submit a certificate application to this CA.
>> 6) Can you explain why compromise and disaster recovery (s5.7) was omitted
>> from the template?
> 5.7. Compromise and disaster recovery
> <Describe your plans for dealing with CA key compromise and how you
> plan to continue/restore operation of your RPKI CA in the event of a 
> disaster.>
> Steve 
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