
Thanks for the review.
Below are some comments on the draft. I also submitted my nits to the editors.

0) Based on the assumption that draft-newton-sidr-policy-qualifiers will be adopted because that's what the RIRs want should s1.2 or 1.5 also include some information about where it can be found? This information would be identical to the URI included in the policy qualifier?

1) s1.6: CP - Is it worth nothing that there might be another CP for the BPKI?
I added the following ext:

If a BPKI is employed by a CA, it may have its own CP, separate from the RPKI CP.

2) s4.6.1: Not sure if this needs to go here but don't we need to say something about not renewing certificates forever?
I am reluctant to point out one example of a bad PKI practice, when there are so many more ...
3) draft-ietf-sidr-rtr-keying describes the procedures for operator generated keys (i.e., those that are not router generated). A couple of questions come to mind:

a) Should the CPS point to that draft in s6.1.2 or will the CPS be updated when draft-ietf-sidr-rtr-keying is published?
We could update the CPS with a pointer to rtr-keying when it is published. It would be a very minor update, as an informational reference. If the chairs prefer, we can add a reference to the I-D, and have this doc held
in the RFC Editor's queue waiting for that doc to be approved.
b) draft-ietf-sidr-rtr-keying allows operators sign the private keys they generate and subsequently send back to the router. Should this be explicitly called out in s4.5.1. For s.4.5.2, is the returned signed-key an RPKI-Signed Object?
The first comment does not seem to apply to 4.5.1/2. Could you clarify?

The returned signed-key is not an RPKI signed object, as defined in RFC 6488. Such objects are stored in the repository system, not just passed between a local operator's system and a router.

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