hi oleg,

>>> I count the number of distinct reg-ids in the RIR statistics files
>>> (ftp.<RIR>.net/pub/stats/<RIR>/delegated-<RIR>-extended-latest, where
>>> <RIR> is in {afrinic,apnic,arin,lacnic}). 
>> at least for arin, this algorithm produces a result off by a quite
>> large factor.
> I do
> $ cut -f8 -d'|' delegated-arin-extended-latest |sort -u|wc -l
> 35394

sorry.  it is not you, it is the arin database (personally, all the rir
databases suck, they just suck differently:-).  what the arin database
considers to be an organization does not correspond to what you consider
one, z/s aside.  e.g. check how many 'goog's you find.

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