So, your argument is that because a mis-declaration of space as unused vs.
can by an ISP cause harm, we should engineer a transfer model that imposes
additional complexity on what seems likely to be the most common case.

(I assume transfer of unused space is or will be the most common case because
it represents the space that is sold and we've been told that RIRs expect a
big increase in transfers due to sales of v4 space.)

I acknowledge the merits of your argument, but I also like to engineer
solutions that optimize for the common case.

- because the entity transferring the space knows whether it is
   is use
as the operators and rirs here keep trying to tell you, this is not a
safe assumption.  unlike you, some of us make mistakes.

  - and because asserting that it isn't, when it is, will adversely
    affect users affiliated with that entity
  - therefore the entity in question is motivated to get it right
  - but, in the worst case, the damage is limited to users who could be
    screwed my the same entity due to other careless/erroneous behavior
there are potholes in the road.  this does not mean it is ok to dig more
of them.  in fact, we are trying to reduce them.


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