
I’d pay more attention to this statement you are quoting if and only if the
justification for this statement made any sense. As far as I can tell the
example used to build to this point is confused and imprecise, so its a
leap of faith that I’m not perform to then hold the conclusions as valid.

I find it equally challenging to then reach the conclusion that you appear to be
providing that that somehow all this is dependant on a draft relating to 
mediated resource transfer. Again I see what appears to be another leap of 
going on here.


> On 27 Nov 2015, at 12:33 AM, Declan Ma <> wrote:
> Tim,
> Thanks for your explanations.
> Yet since the very draft keeps talking about Resource Transfer and deems it 
> as one of the  “Operational Considerations” in Section 3, we might pay 
> attention to Steve’s statement as below: 
> So, when folks claim that this alg allows for transfers to not have to follow 
> a strict ordering of RPKI actions, that is only partly true. Issuing a new CA
> cert with resources not yet transferred to the target can actually enable the
> target to generate bogus ROAs that will validate, unless certain precautions
> are taken. Every CA has to be sure that IF it issues a cert to a subordinate 
> because of an anticipated transfer, that this act does not enable the 
> subordinate
> (or a child of the subordinate ...) to issue bogus ROAs! Right now we have no 
> agreed-upon resource transfer process for the RPKI, to ensure that this sort 
> of
> vulnerability does not arise. Yet the suggestion is to change the validation 
> procedure before having such a process in place. Not such a good idea.
> As Randy’s draft relating to Resource Transfer is still in progress, it would 
> be not wise to seek solutions to the so-called fragility in validating 
> certificates when we have no agreed-upon resource transfer process for the 
> RPKI. 
> Di
>> 在 2015年11月26日,20:29,Tim Bruijnzeels <> 写道:
>> Hi,
>>> On 25 Nov 2015, at 21:19, Stephen Kent <> wrote:
>>> None of those who believe that this draft is a good thing seem to have 
>>> addressed
>>> an issue I raised a while ago; the proposed solution is ill-defined and, 
>>> the most
>>> likely interpretation doesn't seem to work, in general. I'll try to explain 
>>> this
>>> reasoning, again, and provide an example.
>> I believe the draft is being precise, but in the process has become 
>> difficult to parse. Let me attempt once more to explain the proposal in a 
>> different way:
>> "When doing top-down validation of resource certificates in the RPKI we 
>> propose that rather than rejecting a certificate that has resources not held 
>> by the parent (but is valid on all other respects), we would accept the 
>> certificate but keep note of the actual resources we believe it can be 
>> authoritative for. I.e. the intersection of resources on this certificate 
>> and the resources accepted for the parent. The RP SHOULD however issue a 
>> warning in case certain resources are excluded because of this, so that the 
>> responsible CA can fix the situation.
>> Please note that for ROAs there is a requirement that all ROA prefixes are 
>> included on the EE certificate of the (ROA) signed object CMS. This proposal 
>> does not change this. A ROA that has prefixes that were removed for whatever 
>> reason higher in the path would still become invalid using this algorithm. 
>> We would therefore RECOMMEND that CAs issue 1 ROA for each prefix, and avoid 
>> fate sharing. That way only ROAs for prefixes that were removed will be 
>> affected."
>> Essentially that really is all there is to it. If this is easier to parse, 
>> and the co-chairs conclude that work should continue, then I am happy to use 
>> this line of explanation in a next version of the document. And no, I have 
>> no doubt that it will need more detail than above in an I-D - but it's the 
>> basic principle that I am trying to convey here.
>> Tim
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