Fantastic! That's a great job, thanks Eduardo!


Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu...
Eduardo Anglada
> Dear Users of Siesta,
> There is a new collection of pseudopotentials available for SIESTA!
> I have translated the LDA/GGA pseudos in the Fritz-Haber-Instute (FHI)
> format
> of ABINIT's database found in so
> now
> they can be used with SIESTA.
> The database can be found In the siesta web page:
> Follow the link "Pseudos & Basis" in the left menu.
> I would like to thank the ABINIT team for sharing their pseudos with
> the community.
> If you encounter any problems feel free to post them in the list.
> Best regards,
> Eduardo

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


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