Dear SIESTers,
I wonder how to calculate net ionic charge with SIESTA. For example, I
have TiO2 anatase supercell with 12 atoms. Pseudopotential for Ti has
valence electrons in 3s2 3p6 3d2 4s2 (12 electrons), O has 2s2 2p4 (6
electrons). Then i set WriteMullikenPop 2 and obtain
10.972 for each Ti
6.514 fo O
Total charge is 10.972*4+6.514*8 = 96 which equals the total number of
valence electrons. Then how to obtain net electric charges of Ti and O
atoms? If it is the difference between number of valence electrons and
a charge obtained by SIESTA, than it is much lower, than is reported
in other calculations. Net charge should be around +2 for Ti and -1
for O.

Yurko Natanzon
PhD Student
Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Radzikowskiego 152,
31-342 Kraków, Poland

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