Hi Bozidar,

That really depends on the kind of error you are obtaining on the reading
of the pesudo by siesta. There are several points in which your e-mail
provides incomplete information:

1) Have you downloaded the pseudopotential itself? If it's giving an
error, then it might be corrupted. Difficult to happen, but could be.

2) Have you downloaded the input file and then generated the pseudo using
atom? If so, then you may (inappropriately) be getting ghost states and
this is the kind of error Chun is referring to; it has been discussed on
the list a while ago.  If this is the case (ghost states from a pseudo
which is known to have none), then you should recompile atom with a good
compiler (intel is very good), with -O2 optimization, and NOT -O3, which
is known to, in some cases, induce to numerical errors.

So, to really help you, you should provide more information on what you
have actually done.

Best regards,


> Hi, I think you must have used the different compilers to make the siesta
> and the atom. You can recompile the atom using the same compiler you used
> to make siesta, than generate the pseudopotential again.
> Good luck.
> Chun
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bozidar Butorac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <SIESTA-L@listserv.uam.es>
> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 4:48 PM
> Subject: [SIESTA-L] pseudopotential problem
>> Dear Siesta users
>> I started calculation about Bismuth in Silicon. I downloaded
>> pseudopotential for Bi from the SIESTA webpage, but after siesta reads
>> input file, the calculation suddenly stops when the pseudopotentil for
>> Bi is being read.
>> I know that pseudopotential for Si is ok, because I did some simulations
>> involving silicon before and everything was good.
>> I think the problem is about the format of pseudopotential file for Bi,
>> but I don't know how to fix it.
>> Does anybody have an idea how to solve it?
>> I also attached the output file.
>> Thank you very much in advance.
>> Cheers,
>> Bozo

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Sector
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy


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