Dear Siesta users

I started calculation about Bismuth in Silicon. I downloaded
pseudopotential for Bi from the SIESTA webpage, but after siesta reads
input file, the calculation suddenly stops when the pseudopotentil for
Bi is being read. 

I know that pseudopotential for Si is ok, because I did some simulations
involving silicon before and everything was good. 

I think the problem is about the format of pseudopotential file for Bi,
but I don't know how to fix it.

Does anybody have an idea how to solve it? 

I also attached the output file. 

Thank you very much in advance.


Taking nodenames from 
"/home/bozidar/Marshall/Bi_in_Si/", number of nodes 
specified by -np
/opt/scali/bin/mpimon -stdin all  /home/bozidar/bin/siesta  --  n02 1 n02 1
SIESTA 1.3    -- [Release] (30 Jul 2003)
Architecture  : pgf90-mpich
Compiler flags: mpif90 -fast
PARALLEL version

* Running on    2 nodes in parallel
>> Start of run:   5-OCT-2006   7:28:58

                           *  WELCOME TO SIESTA  *       
WARNING: Siesta is reading its input from file INPUT_DEBUG
************************** Dump of input data file ****************************
# Label
SystemLabel Bi_in_Si
# Optimisation
MD.TypeOfRun CG
MD.NumCGSteps 150
MD.MaxForceTol 0.01 eV/Ang
MD.VariableCell true
MD.MaxStressTol 100 bar
SolutionMethod diagon
kgrid_cutoff 1.0 Ang
MaxSCFIterations 200
DM.MixingWeight 0.10
DM.NumberPulay 3
SpinPolarized false
# Basis set
MeshCutoff 170 Ry
PAO.EnergyShift 0.01 Ry
PAO.BasisSize DZP
#PAO.SplitNorm 0.15
# Functional
XC.Functional GGA
XC.Authors PBE
# I/O
LongOutput true
UseSaveData false
NumberOfSpecies     2
NumberOfAtoms      64
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
    1  14  Si
    2  83  Bi
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
LatticeConstant    1.00000 Ang
%block LatticeVectors
   11.043014    0.00       0.00
   0.00        11.043014   0.00
   0.00         0.00      11.043009
%endblock LatticeVectors
AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
   -0.00000567   -0.00000859   -0.00002005   1 # Si         1
    1.38038235    1.38037823    1.38036897   1 # Si         2
    2.76075848    2.76075650   -0.00001971   1 # Si         3
    4.14112182    4.14112250    1.38037668   1 # Si         4
   -0.00000775    2.76075606    2.76075324   1 # Si         5
    1.38038638    4.14112288    4.14112765   1 # Si         6
    2.76075870   -0.00001145    2.76075387   1 # Si         7
    4.14112220    1.38038266    4.14112805   1 # Si         8
    5.52150958   -0.00001113   -0.00001881   1 # Si         9
    6.90188785    1.38037521    1.38036817   1 # Si        10
    8.28225216    2.76075320   -0.00002085   1 # Si        11
    9.66261625    4.14112039    1.38037155   1 # Si        12
    5.52151176    2.76075277    2.76075210   1 # Si        13
    6.90189150    4.14112111    4.14112799   1 # Si        14
    8.28225312   -0.00001467    2.76075230   1 # Si        15
    9.66261436    1.38037947    4.14112697   1 # Si        16
   -0.00000810    5.52151198   -0.00001950   1 # Si        17
    1.38037922    6.90189104    1.38036724   1 # Si        18
    2.76075486    8.28225329   -0.00002255   1 # Si        19
    4.14112104    9.66261456    1.38036914   1 # Si        20
   -0.00001073    8.28225370    2.76075032   1 # Si        21
    1.38038358    9.66261258    4.14112543   1 # Si        22
    2.76075545    5.52151347    2.76075143   1 # Si        23
    4.14112129    6.90189261    4.14112751   1 # Si        24
    5.52150822    5.52150909   -0.00001749   1 # Si        25
    6.90188714    6.90189042    1.38036878   1 # Si        26
    8.28224916    8.28224996   -0.00002361   1 # Si        27
    9.66261584    9.66261354    1.38036341   1 # Si        28
    5.52150866    8.28225081    2.76074921   1 # Si        29
    6.90188742    9.66261161    4.14112649   1 # Si        30
    8.28225061    5.52151038    2.76074955   1 # Si        31
    9.66261326    6.90189036    4.14112617   1 # Si        32
   -0.00000608   -0.00000994    5.52151657   1 # Si        33
    1.38038087    1.38037595    6.90189628   1 # Si        34
    2.76075695    2.76075362    5.52152168   1 # Si        35
    4.14112329    4.14112175    6.90189933   1 # Si        36
   -0.00000893    2.76075340    8.28225115   1 # Si        37
    1.38038673    4.14111987    9.66260137   1 # Si        38
    2.76075754   -0.00001456    8.28225184   1 # Si        39
    4.14112154    1.38038047    9.66260173   1 # Si        40
    5.52150922   -0.00001249    5.52151529   1 # Si        41
    6.90188583    1.38037250    6.90189468   1 # Si        42
    8.28225118    2.76075018    5.52152044   1 # Si        43
    9.66261557    4.14112072    6.90189703   1 # Si        44
    5.52151048    2.76075071    8.28225032   1 # Si        45
    6.90188682    4.14112343    9.66260728   1 # Si        46
    8.28225125   -0.00001772    8.28225053   1 # Si        47
    9.66261340    1.38037452    9.66260096   1 # Si        48
   -0.00000834    5.52150934    5.52151396   1 # Si        49
    1.38037661    6.90188643    6.90189201   1 # Si        50
    2.76075351    8.28225050    5.52151883   1 # Si        51
    4.14112206    9.66261204    6.90189502   1 # Si        52
   -0.00001189    8.28224989    8.28224823   1 # Si        53
    1.38038147    9.66260813    9.66259781   1 # Si        54
    2.76075490    5.52151038    8.28224908   1 # Si        55
    4.14112308    6.90188800    9.66260493   1 # Si        56
    5.52150677    5.52150695    5.52151230   2 # Bi        57
    6.90188208    6.90188291    6.90189100   1 # Si        58
    8.28224740    8.28224699    5.52151759   1 # Si        59
    9.66261509    9.66261135    6.90189113   1 # Si        60
    5.52150729    8.28224686    8.28224705   1 # Si        61
    6.90188292    9.66260982    9.66260177   1 # Si        62
    8.28224834    5.52150750    8.28224781   1 # Si        63
    9.66261563    6.90188168    9.66260375   1 # Si        64
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
************************** End of input data file *****************************

reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
reinit: System Name:                                                            
reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
reinit: System Label: Bi_in_Si            
reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

initatom: Reading input for the pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals ----------
 Species number:             1  Label: Si Atomic number:           14
 Species number:             2  Label: Bi Atomic number:           83
Ground state valence configuration:   3s02  3p02
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Si.psf
Ground state valence configuration:   6s02  6p03
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Bi.psf

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