Roberto Veiga wrote:

in PRB 214103 (2003), for the Fe16C1 system (BCC iron with a carbon atom in an octahedral site), the solution enthalpy at 0 K is defined as


being E(C) the total energy per atom in graphite and the meaning of the other ones is straightforward. They have obtained, with VASP, H=0.58 eV.

By using Siesta with a DZP-DZP basis for iron (with which I obtained a very good agreement of the lattice parameter, vacancy formation energy, and cohesion energy with respect to the literature) and DZP-DZ for carbon (with which the cohesion energy of graphite is in agreement with the above mentioned reference and the lattice parameter with the experimental one), and applying the same equation above to the same system, I obtained H=0.30 eV. I guess the difference between VASP's H and Siesta's one is due to the BSSE. Nevertheless, I did not figure out how to apply the correction. If I replace E(Fe16) by E(Fe16+C_ghost) and E(C) by E(C+Fe16_ghost), things become worst. Does anyone have any idea on how apply a BSSE correction in this case?


Are E(Fe16C1) and E(Fe16) referenced to the same zero of energy? Were they in the PRB paper you refer to? Phys. Rev. B 53, 3813 (1996), near Eq (2.5) talk about this (they talk about charged defects, but I think the problem might also be there for neutral ones). Also, I would only do the E(Fe16) by E(Fe16+C_ghost) replacement when trying to correct for BSSE, but not the other one.


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