
Thanks for your comment and revise proposal. Yes, I can support.


Subject: Re: [sig-policy] Proposal to revise SIG guidelines
From: Masato Yamanishi <myama...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Sep 30 2016 04:24:17 GMT+0900

Kawabata-san (and maybe Randy),

So, can you support it if I will revise it as follows?

    2. SIG Chair's term of service
     I would like to propose revising SIG Chair's term of service as follows.
     - Elections occur yearly. Chair elections and Co-Chair elections occur in 
alternate years (same as current SIG guideline)
     - If Chair election and Co-Chair election are happen in same year, 
Co-Chair's (or Co-Chairs') term of service should be one year
       as Chair's and Co-Chairs' term of service are staggered
     - If current Chair/Co-Chair resigned or was removed, the succesor's term 
should be remaining term of current Chair/Co-Chair

Any thought?


2016-09-28 15:52 GMT+09:00 Hiroki Kawabata <kawab...@nic.ad.jp 

        2. SIG Chair's term of service
        I would like to propose aligning Chair' term with Co-Chair's term, which
        means that Chair and all Co-Chair will serve for same two years.
        To keep this alighment, I would like to propose limiting the successor's
        term to remaining term of current Chair/Co-Chair if current
        Chair/Co-Chair resigned or was removed.

    If ALL current Chair/Co-Chair resigne or are removed at the same time
    and the another successor who don't know or share the background and
    situations of this forum become New Chair/Co-Chair, who do care for them?

    At the point of the stable/continuous forum management,
    I think that there is no need to revise the part of this guideline.


    Subject: [sig-policy] Proposal to revise SIG guidelines
    From: Adam Gosling <a...@apnic.net <mailto:a...@apnic.net>>
    Date: Mon Sep 05 2016 19:08:46 GMT+0900

        Dear SIG members

        A proposal to modify the APNIC SIG Guidelines relating to the election
        of SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs has been submitted for consideration at
        APNIC 42 im Colombo, Sri Lanka.


        If agreed. these changes will affect all APNIC SIGs from APNIC 43 in Ho
        Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

        Discussion and call for consensus will take place in the Policy SIG.


        If successful in the Policy SIG, a consensus call will be made at the
        APNIC Member Meeting. There will be no final Comment Period.

        To ensure those not travelling to APNIC 42 are able to participate in
        the discussion, you are invited to comment on the Policy SIG Mailing
        List before the conference.

        More background to this proposal is available at:





        Revising eligible voters of Chair election and Chair's term


        Proposer:       Masato Yamanishi
                       myama...@gmail.com <mailto:myama...@gmail.com>

        1. Problem statement

        1. Eligible voters in SIG Chair election
        In current SIG guidelines, we have no rule or guideline about eligible
        voters in SIG Chair election and we have two issues by the lack of such

        Firstly, we need to have clear guideline whether remote participants
        have voting rights for SIG Chair election since current practice is
        different in each election.

        Secondary, it can be used by fraud, like hijacking the position of Chair
        agaist the Community by inviting many persons who never attend the
        community discussion.

        2. SIG Chair's term of service
        While SIG guidelines says "Elections occur yearly. Chair elections and
        Co-Chair elections occur in alternate years.", both elections were held
        at same meeting in many cases, in particular when a current Co-Chair
        stand for the position of Chair. With this current practice having both
        elections at same meeting, we are not seeing any significant issues for
        long time.

        In addition, there is no alternative condition for the successor's term
        if current Chair/Co-Chair resigned or was removed though such
        alternative condition is necessary to maintain staggered term as
        requested by SIG guideline. (a.k.a. the successor's term of service is
        same as remaining term of resigned or removed Chair)

        2. Objective of policy change

        The objective is preventing confusions related to remote participant as
        well as mitigating possible frauds in SIG Chair election by setting
        clear rule for eligible voters.

        In addition, we can also expect aligning SIG guideline with current
        practice as well as resolving unclearness of the successor's term when
        current Chair/Co-Chair resigned or was removed by revising SIG Chair's
        term of service.

        3. Situation in other regions

        Please refer following page made by Adam Gosling

        Comparison of RIR SIG/WG Chair Election Processes

        4. Proposed policy solution

        1. Eligible voters in SIG Chair election
        I would like to propose limiting eligible voters of SIG Chair election
        to registered participants of APNIC Conference where the election is

        In this context, registered participants include remote participants who
        register to Confer, or its successor in future.

        2. SIG Chair's term of service
        I would like to propose aligning Chair' term with Co-Chair's term, which
        means that Chair and all Co-Chair will serve for same two years.
        To keep this alighment, I would like to propose limiting the successor's
        term to remaining term of current Chair/Co-Chair if current
        Chair/Co-Chair resigned or was removed.

        5. Advantages / Disadvantages

        By setting clear rule for eligible voters,

         - we can avoid confusion whether remote participant cast vote for SIG
           Chair election or not
         - we can mitigate frauds in SIG Chair election

        By revising SIG Chair's term of service
         - we can resolve a conflict between SIG guideline and current practice
         - we can resolve unclearness of the successor's term when current
           Chair/Co-Chair resigned or was removed

        APNIC staff may need to spend some additional time to confirm whether
        each voter is registered participants.

        There is no disadvantage by revising SIG Chair's term of service.

        6. Impact on resource holders

        No direct impact

        7. References

        Chair Election Procedure Review by Adam Gosling

        Comparison of RIR SIG/WG Chair Election Processes

        APNIC SIG Guidelines

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