My blog posts about how much I hate MYOB are amongst my most popular
(that says something about how craptastic my blog is, huh?)

My book keeper and I switched my business to Saasu initially but then
because she thinks like a book keeper and not a businessperson, she
wanted to switch to Xero, which runs more like an accounting package.
However, it's still way more friendly for me to noodle around in than
MYOB, where I was forever making mistakes it would take my book keeper
a day to unwind.

I think both Saasu and Xero beat MYOB hands down. Both have excellent
and rapid support, both are reliable and both rollout improvements
regularly. Both understand the kinds of businesses we are and both
practice the Web 2.0 they preach.

Xero is a bit cheaper (Saasu free if you can get  by on <15
transactions a month) and Saasu is well ahead on adding local banks to
their list of auto imports but to be fair, Xero has only been offering
a .AU service for a few months. When Xero has auto bank statement
import for my business bank (Macquarie) available my book keeper and I
will probably be unmoveable. I really can't think of a reason to move
again. And I love to move.

- alan

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