On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Pieter<p...@ppeach.com> wrote:
> Hi Crew,
> This is a very simple question, but something I think the answer to
> would be of interest to many new bootstrappers on this forum, and so
> thought it might be worthwhile asking here.
> Does anyone have advice on the options available to founders when they
> have a registered company and are trying to fund its activities with
> personal income in the pre-revenue stage?  (We'll ignore the shouldn't-
> register-a-company-until-it-has-revenue argument for the moment)
> Advice so far is that loaning capital to your company is probably the
> way to do this, but am wondering if this is the only way.  I know that
> poorly documented expenditure will negatively effect the valuation of
> the company down the track, so anything that keeps it as simple as
> possible should hopefully improve the reliability of records kept.

I personally do this, but I'm not looking to sell my companies so.

My accountant recommends to just set up an account in the company
(with is just an ABN, sole trader) name, and transfer income into that
and spend from there. Fairly trivial.

> Cheers,
> Pieter

noon silky

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