On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Matthew Ho <matt.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree with this - what's missing is people's profiles and what they
> want out of Silicon Beach.

Rapportive does this for me already!

> Just a simple profile with links to Twitter, Linkedin, blog to find
> out more. Ability to contact them directly about business
> opportunities.
> Some potential solutions:
> - maybe google group has this feature and we haven't explored it.
> - buddypress: James mentioned wordpress. This is free and opensource
> community plugin. Social network out of the box. GigaOm Pro uses this.
> http://buddypress.org/
> - community engine: an aussie startup I came across with a social
> network platform.
> On Jun 12, 7:00 pm, Marc Harrison <mharriso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Love this topic!  Been thinking a lot about this myself, but as a newbie
> to
> > the group didn't want to offer my suggestion until I'd been here a little
> > longer.
> >
> > I have been thinking this group is great for Q&A type discussions, okay
> for
> > link sharing, but could do a better job of helping us connect with each
> > other.  The requirement to introduce yourself is good, but I am guessing
> > that many people don't do this.  And how many people go back and read old
> > "introduce yourself" posts, meaning most will only ever read the ones
> that
> > are posted after they join?  And what you write about yourself today is
> > probably out of date within a few months.  And everyone has their own
> > opinion on what to include in an into post when a standard structure
> might
> > be nice.  And... you get the idea.
> >
> > What I would LOVE is a database of members, like a component of a social
> > network I guess.  My initial thought is that it would be a one page
> profile
> > with lots of useful info, and we could use a link to that page as our one
> > line signature when we post to SB.
> >
> > The profile page would include things like:
> > - name
> > - location
> > - brief description of yourself (with a tight word limit)
> > - link to business website(s)
> > - link to LinkedIn profile (so you don't have to talk a lot about your
> > background as users can read it there)
> > - twitter ID
> > - a link to a search for all your previous SB posts.
> >
> > and MOST importantly:
> >
> > - what you can offer to other members of SB;
> > - how other SB members can help you; and
> >
> > It is these last two questions that would differentiate this database and
> > make it useful, relative to say just using a LinkedIn group where many of
> us
> > already have our typical business profiles.  So you could include things
> > like "looking for tech co-founders" or "I'm an RoR develop willing to
> work
> > for equity" etc. (with a bit more detail, of course, and written
> > specifically for members of SB).
> >
> > It would be live, so we could change it whenever our circumstances
> change.
> > And if we wanted to highlight a change in our circumstances we could
> still
> > post to the group just as we would today.
> >
> > I think this would complement a job board, or maybe be even of more
> value,
> > particularly for businesses that follow the idea that I love - to "always
> be
> > recruiting".  (ie. You're much more likely to find the best people if you
> > take them when you find them, not just settle for the best available when
> > you have a role to fill).
> >
> > Again, a link to our profile on this database would be the perfect
> signature
> > for our SB posts.  When you read an interesting post you'd be one click
> away
> > from getting all the info you need about the member that wrote the post.
> >
> > I'm a business guy, not a tech guy, but would be happy to help out in any
> > project to get something like this up and running.
> >
> > Marc.www.harrisonbc.com
> > My SB intro post:
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/silicon-beach-australia/kO9IqyZOtZM...
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