R&D Tax Credit Opens For Business

Great News For SMEs
Down The Road

The Federal Government has confirmed that the revised start date of the
R&D Tax Credit will be 1 July 2011 in a joint release from the Treasurer
and the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.

In a sweetener for SMEs, loss-making claimants will be eligible for
quarterly payments of their Credit entitlements from 1 January 2014. Something
to look forward to!

The text of the press release appears below.


"Australian companies will become more innovative and globally
competitive thanks to the new R&D tax incentive. 

The Gillard Labor Government’s $1.8 billion R&D Tax Credit will
deliver more funding to innovative firms – including manufacturers, ICT and
biotech – increasing productivity and Australia’s national income.

This builds on Labor’s policy reform agenda of the past four years
and will be a major benefit for businesses that innovate and use R&D as a
platform for future growth. 

Today we welcome crossbench Senators announcing their support which
means the parliamentary road-block put in place by the Coalition will finally
be removed. 

The new and improved Credit will target more funds to genuine
R&D deserving of public support – good news for industry and better value
for taxpayers. It will deliver a 45 per cent refundable tax
credit to companies with an aggregated turnover of less than $20 million and a
40 per cent non-refundable offset to all others. 

This will allow more firms to benefit from our massive boost to the
innovation, science and research budget, helping them grasp the opportunities
of our transition to a cleaner economy. 

We welcome the commitment of industry, the Greens and independent
parliamentarians who have put good policy ahead of political posturing in
supporting this reform. 

The development is the culmination of an extensive consultation and
negotiation process. 

Following discussions with the Greens, the Government will
introduce quarterly payments for small and medium businesses from 1 January
2014. These firms will get their credit sooner, significantly improving their
cash flow and incentive to invest in R&D. 

The deferral of the start date to 1 July 2011 has an overall impact
of $40m, with a negative impact of $310m in 2011-12 and a positive impact in
2012-13 of $270m.

The Government will continue to work in partnership with the
business community to get the most from this landmark reform. An advisory group
will be established through the Innovation Australia Board to monitor the
implementation and operation of the Credit. The Government, through
AusIndustry, will run an extensive education program to ensure firms are kept
up to date".


MJA will keep you informed of all major developments as the Credit
legislation becomes law.


Should you wish to
discuss this matter any further, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Miles 
directly on 0431 162 212 or andr...@mjassoc.com.au

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