Couple of bits of feedback:

1) Use surname or last name, not family name -- they're more "english as 
second language" friendly and are "the norm" for forms these days
2) Make your alert boxes full width and dump the (x) for things that don't 
need closing (nitpicky and not particularly important I know)
3) Something that always annoys me is when I finish registering (put in 
password) then I have to log in again. Can't I just be automatically logged 

Will have a proper play with the *actual* functions tomorrow, but the idea 
sounds awesome (although on first reaction $500 might be a bit steep).


On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 13:40:41 UTC+11, James Macgregor wrote:
> Biteable videos are $500, all sales have been direct with us hand holding 
> customers through the process to date. We'll be adding all the payment 
> functionality to the site this week hopefully. Our aim right now is just to 
> get a break even point.
> On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 13:34:32 UTC+11, Andrew Ballard wrote:
>> Glad to hear that most of my above rant is coming this month. 
>> -- Could you let us / users on the site know what the per-video price is 
>> (roughly) going to be? I am genuinely interested in the product, but still 
>> can't determine any details from the site, apart from your generic email 
>> when the rendered video arrived.
>> With thanks, AB
>> On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 1:25:58 PM UTC+11, James Macgregor wrote:
>>> Hey Andrew, Thanks for the feedback, extremely useful.
>>> >1) I know I mistyped my email first time around, but even with the 
>>> second attempt, the round-trip of the email confirm was lengthy. Not 
>>> condusive to quickly getting people using the site. Considered OAuth for 
>>> pain-free / instant login?
>>> I'll get our devs to look into this, should be pretty instant so there's 
>>> obviously a problem.
>>> >2) Reordering the slides.
>>> Should be available this month.
>>> >3) Colours:
>>> The colour picker is global. The solution to this confusion is a preview 
>>> that updates so you can see what you're colours will look like on each 
>>> slide as they each use them differently.
>>> >4) Section preview
>>> Will also be available this month.
>>> >5) Um... the payment model
>>> We'll be selling on a per video model until we're either generating 
>>> revenue or have raised investment to allow us to explore other revenue 
>>> models. We'll most likely introduce a subscription model in time but we've 
>>> got a lot of work ahead before then.
>>> Thanks again for the feedback, exactly what we need right now :)

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