Jess wrote:
Hey all

I might jump in one of the rides offered here (if if if my house is settled by then).

But in other news, Fireflies is looking forward to everyone arriving anytime/ sometime through 23rd. You'll can eat, and be merry with whatever is there at whichever time you land. If you're the constantly snacking types, might be wise to carry something coz there are no shops around. I highly recommend chocolate.. the dark variety.

Committed FoUs meet over dinner (I have a number of 20) on 23rd evening. The booze will be broken out here and after I assume. And FoUing will continue through the night. There is no corkage charge.

Jace says the sunrise at Fireflies is awesome.. so hmm.. lets see who'll catch that.

I've told Eugene (person-in-charge-at-fireflies-who-will-complain-to-me-constantly) that there may be upto 10 people staying overnight and they don't mind sharing rooms.. and will hang around maybe next day till lunch or so. Feel free to change plans, extend your stay but just let the man know (PH: 9945388006).

For easy bill settling, the costs looks like it could come upto 1000/- per person, maybe a tad more. So to be safe, can everyone carry 1500/- with them and yes, you can keep the balance, if any. There's no FoU fund.

Any wires, cables and other thingamajigs you need, please carry. If they have it there, you can just store yours back in luggage. If not, hey you've got yours!

This is FoU fun people.. and I so wish my house would settle.. coz I catch Udhay daily online but I really, really don't want to miss that sunrise.


I will probably be the only one to return on the 23rd. I land in Bangalore at 1:30 a.m on the 23rd, so will be highly jet lagged. Hopefully, I will be awake to drive down to this place. :-)

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