On Sunday 24 Dec 2006 12:18 am, Dave Long wrote:
> > ... affected individuals often suffer permanent injury during
> > childhood because they fail to notice illnesses or injuries, and fail
> > to learn pain-avoiding (severe risk-avoiding) behaviours -- as in this
> > study's index case.

Injuries caused by the absence of pain sensation are well known although I am 
totally ignorant of this familial "SCN9A channelopathy".

People with leprosy lose their fingers because of lack of all sensation - 
including pain - the fingers keep getting injured and healing over, and the 
bone gets resorbed leading to short stubby fingers.

Diabetics get indolent sores that do not heal for years called "trophic 
ulcers" due to a selective loss of pain sensation in their feet.

It would be interesting to find out whether or not this familial group get 
similar disorders - and if not why not. Is there a reference or a cite that I 
can use to dig up the paper?


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