
Welcome to Silk, I am an ex-burgh, ex-bangalore, now in HYD person. Where do you spend your day? At school? Work?


Shyam Visweswaran wrote:
Hello all,

Should have posted this sometime back. Now seeing
the recent intros I better do so.

My name is Shyam and my only connection with
Bangalore is that my Dad was brought up there and
I visited Bangalore and Mysore decades ago when
both were sleepy Malgudi-like towns. I have
puttered around in several disciplines including
medicine, biophysics, and machine learning.
Currently I am in Pittsburgh dividing my time
between neurology and machine learning. I
maintain an alumni website - Jipmer Net - for my
med school in India which is now more than 12
years old now. It is through that website I met
the inimitable Shiv who is a regular here at

- Shyam

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