On 1/30/07, Venkat Mangudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Charles Haynes wrote:
> eat anything, I thought the Andhara food at Nandhini was nicely hot
> but I prefer hotter... Who has favorite places to recommend to the
> newbie?
Looks like we belong to the same category. Come home sometime and I will
cook something real hot. My wife and kids will not touch it, so it might
be just the two of us and maybe, a nice bottle of La Riserve. Have you
tried the Indian wines yet?

I've tried a few of the wines, not so many yet though with import
prices the way they are I'm sure I will come to love them pretty

One thing that has me greatly confused though is a distinct lack of
any beers other than light lagers (and the occasional Guiness.) As a
confirmed ale-drinking hop head, am I doomed to disappointment?

I'm also looking forward to finding good purveyors of coffee. I'm
currently roasting my own beans that I buy online at Sweet Maria's. I
know India has some great coffees, one of my favorite espresso blends
is malabar gold espresso, and Google's new office is directly across
from the Coffee Board. The only small electric appliance I'm bringing
with me is my espresso machine...

-- Charles

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