Well my heart is really set on this thing called a Tempo Cruiser Classic made by Force motors - they tell me its very popular in rural / farm areas. Great sheet metal - I heard it was a Merc design. Anyone had experience driving one? Or any other like driving suggestions? (fyi... The wife said ok on this one!)

Now, I wimped out and picked up a farm-model* land rover preassembled -- but I understand that, if you're a Real Man, it's possible to order one (CKD) that shows up at your place as a bunch of parts on pallets, so that you can have all the fun of wrenching it together.


* as already pointed out, the ride is not what one would expect from a modern passenger car (nor even some of the fancier tractors I've seen). But this vehicle is perfectly at home getting to alpine pastures, has better angles than a jeep, and will tow up steep grades even in the higher gears, so unless these Bangalore potholes are more than say, 40" in diameter, I doubt they'd be an issue. Of course, if clearance is a real concern, better to go for a Pinzgauer instead.

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