If only they'd enable EDGE or some such. It's useful but at times, so
slow that the speed, or lack of it, obviates its utility. Oh, and if
they could make it a little bit cheaper.

Wonder when the iPhone is coming. That should prompt a network upgrade
among operators.

A Wireless Revolution in India
With young people and others using their phones for texting, e-mail,
and Web surfing, it's an increasingly wireless way of life on the

by Nandini Lakshman

Mumbai college student Deepanjali Singh was so heartbroken after
losing her Motorola (MOT) handset in early October that she took an
almost $200 loan from her mother to get a replacement—fast. She uses
her cell phone not only to talk to friends but to check e-mail, send
text messages with MSN Messenger, and log onto her Facebook profile.
When she couldn't get on a college PC to do research for a paper
recently, she simply used Google via cell phone. "With a touch screen
on my mobile, I access the Net anywhere, anytime, and [do] not depend
on my PC," Singh says. "I've got so used to the mobile Internet that I
feel lost without it."

So do more and more people in India. The number of Indian consumers
connecting to the Internet via cell phones more than doubled, to 38
million from 16 million just last year, according to a report by the
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). "Mobile Internet is
increasingly becoming a popular feature in India today," says Diptarup
Chakraborti, principal analyst at Gartner Research (IT). And it's got
a long way to go in the world's fastest-growing mobile-phone market,
where more than 200 million people use mobile phones and 7 million are
added to the rolls each month.

While wireless Web use in India has been climbing for some time, the
gains are becoming so pronounced that they're exposing anew the
frailties of India's traditional Internet networks and fueling a race
for customers and sales among wireless carriers and handset makers.
More Attractive Internet Options

For the first time the number of Internet connections via the PC
declined, from 9.27 million in the first quarter to 9.22 million in
the second quarter, according to TRAI. In the same period, state-run
telecom-service providers Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) and Mahanagar
Telephone Nigam (MTNL), which account for about 54% of the country's
total Internet customers, lost almost 3% of their subscribers. BSNL
divisional general manager Suresh Kumar attributes the "so-called
decline" to the company's efforts to terminate the "unused dial-up
connections" of subscribers who migrated to broadband. MTNL employees
concede that service was degraded as demand surges crashed servers.

Whatever the cause, it's clear that choppy service won't do for
India's fickle yet Internet-addicted consumers. And wireless Internet
service providers (ISPs) are happy to woo subscribers dissatisfied
with their existing services. Bharti Airtel and Tata Indicom offer
wireless as well as fixed-line connections to the Web, while local
cable operators provide cable modem Internet hookups. Such options are
especially attractive, considering the wait of as long as a month for
a dial-up or broadband connection from BSNL or MTNL. Wireless phones
can be bought right off store shelves, with Web connections set up

The appeal of the wireless Web can be particularly strong for rural
residents who have little access to the Internet via PCs. P. S.
Parasuram, head of new product development and content at Bharti
Airtel, says "the mobile is the first Internet experience for rural
folks." Outside India's big cities, providers entice subscribers with
services that let farmers use a handset to call up such information as
land records, feed prices, and weather reports. Nokia (NOK), Samsung
Electronics (SSNLF), and Motorola sell mobile phones in villages for
as little as $63. Vodafone (VOD) entered the Indian market through its
$11.1 billion purchase of Li Ka-Shing's 67% stake in Hutchison Essar,
and in a partnership with China's ZTE (ZTE) for handsets. "Relevant
mobile content and aggressive marketing by companies is boosting
mobile Internet usage," says Pankaj Mohindroo, president of the Indian
Cellular Assn.
New Phones for New Services

Experts attribute the surge in wireless Web use to a combination of
falling handset prices, network upgrades, and an economic expansion
that's leaving many young people flush with disposable income. India's
economy is growing at over 9%, and younger consumers, especially those
working in call centers, can now afford the personal digital
assistants and Research In Motion (RIMM) BlackBerrys that, as recently
as a year ago, seemed out of reach to everyone but wealthy
businesspeople and other professionals.

Handset prices have dropped almost by half in the past two years, says
Gartner's Chakraborti. And for fees of $2.50 to $12.50 a month,
consumers can get all manner of information—market quotes, headlines,
cricket scores, even the net asset value of a mutual fund
investment—in the palm of their hands. Of course, hip Indian
youngsters, like their peers in Europe, the U.S., and elsewhere in
Asia, use mobile Web access to check e-mail, download music and games,
and vote for their favorite performers on reality TV shows. Internet
bigwigs Google (GOOG), Yahoo! (YHOO), and Microsoft (MSFT) are forging
partnerships to get their messaging, search, and other services into
users' hands, too.

Such services are of little use on outmoded phones and networks. But
now, almost 90% of phones being sold in India operate on the General
Packet Radio Service, or GPRS, system, which provides wireless
Internet access. Today more than half of Nokia's handsets carry GPRS
features, compared with 20% a year ago.
Slower Download Times

As features proliferate, the potential financial returns for service
providers multiply. Whereas a standard text message typically costs
2.5¢, the cost of calling up mutual fund information is closer to 15¢
a message. Downloadable ringtones are already a $45 million annual
business in India and are expected to grow at a double-digit rate
through 2010. For top telecom players such as Bharti, Reliance
Communications, Tata, and Vodafone, ringtones account for nearly half
of all nonvoice revenue.

For all the increased reliance on cell phones to connect to the
Internet, there's little danger handsets will replace PCs soon. Mobile
connectivity in India is still uneven and is far slower than in other
parts of the world. "GPRS is a largely dysfunctional way of accessing
the Internet," says Shubham Majumdar, associate director of research
at Macquarie Securities, a division of Macquarie Bank (MBL). Manoj
Mehra, 25, who works at a bank in Mumbai, says downloading anything
from the mobile Internet takes him a "frustrating" one to two minutes.

What's more, mobile Internet access is expensive. "I use it only when
there is no landline connectivity at hand," says Singh, which
translates to about 10 minutes a day.

Those struggles notwithstanding, demand for wireless Internet access
is likely to keep skyrocketing. The Indian Cellular Assn. expects 200
million people to sign on to the Internet with their mobile phones by
2010. Even a couple of minutes a day multiplied by that many people
spells continued headaches for state-run telcos, swelling coffers for
handset makers and mobile carriers targeting the Indian market, and a
greater dependence on wireless Web access for people like Singh.

Lakshman covers India business for BusinessWeek .


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