Charles Haynes wrote: [ on 12:15 AM 2/29/2008 ]

So why is the official reaction to violent intimidation by right wing
looney thugs one of appeasement? Is not what they did both clearly
illegal and offensive to anyone who believes in a free society? Why is
there not outraged reaction? What is it that keeps people of
conscience quiet?

The official reaction to this, as with other such incidents, is coloured by 2 things: the [perceived] need to keep the peace, and the need to hang on to power. In many cases, there is a coalition goevrnment that has to pander to many interest groups in place.

Regarding your other questions, I'm not sure of the answer. However, I do think that any solution to this will be only possible via a bottom-up groundswell of popular sentiment - which I think is in the process of building up.


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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