On 4/14/08, Badri Natarajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  How do you design a bureaucracy that works? I've heard a lot of good
>  things about Singaporean civil servants. Is the reputation justified? I
>  believe they are very well paid..presumably that's one thing which sets
>  them apart.

I think more than well paid, the structure of the system itself lends
to efficiency (or better than most countries). There is no payment in
cash anywhere for any service (mostly it is through bank transfers
called NETS using your ATM card).

A lot of the loop is cut and there are "customer service officers"
attending to your govt requests (e.g. getting a tax statement printed
etc). I got my tax statement within 5 minutes.

Moreover, the govt also is actively into pursuing the internet
transactions to cut costs of labour and improve efficiency. You can
start a company within 10 minutes of using the ACRA website (which has
the power to recognize companies in singapore).

All petitions etc are swiftly dealt with (even murder charges are
dealt with, within a year).

Moreover, Singapore govt provides scholarships for students at the
Junior College to study in LSE, Harvard, Stanford, in return for them
to come back and serve the govt as a highly placed official (who can
become a minister).


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