> All petitions etc are swiftly dealt with (even murder charges are
> dealt with, within a year).
> Moreover, Singapore govt provides scholarships for students at the
> Junior College to study in LSE, Harvard, Stanford, in return for them
> to come back and serve the govt as a highly placed official (who can
> become a minister).

The Singapore Scholars - yes, a good friend of mine is one. My
understanding is that there is no compulsion on them to go back and work
for the govt (but they tend to do so - my friend turned down an investment
banking job in Goldman Sachs in London to do just that).

I have doubts about whether their system can scale to a much larger
country and/or a real democracy (some parts of it certainly can - clearly
(for eg), eliminating cash payments reduces the opportunities for
corruption). On a broader level, if you run a government like a company (a
family company in the case of Singapore), there are all the advantages of
a company, but also the disadvantages..


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