On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:59 AM, ss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  > http://indiatoday.digitaltoday.in/content_mail.php?option=com_content&name=
>  >print&id=6591
>  Here are some thoughts I posted in my college alumni web forum. Thoughts
>  sparked off by the article above and general conversations with colleagues.


The article about what we are doing to our (bright) kids....was very,
very well written. AND that does not touch upon the other
youngsters...the not-so-bright ones who didn't get into engg colleges,
but who, nonetheless, have "high-paying" jobs in the BPO, KPO, LPO,
whatever-P-O sectors. The job conditions here are even worse than for
programmers, because these are low-skill jobs in general. The jobs ARE
high-paying. The employees pay high...with their long-term health,
physical and mental.

I am reasonably active on fora where we are trying to address the
degradation of Bangalore as a city....I wish I could be more active on
fora that would come up on the degradation of our children, too. In
fact, addressing the second might have a cascading effect on the
first, as the lifestyles these youngsters have is directly causing
much of the environmental and quality-of-life depredation that we see
in Bangqlore today...Less malls, less cars, less homes would translate
into less of damage.


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