On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Charles Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 11:10 AM, rene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  rene wrote:
>  >  > I am Rene ... How can you know? You have to trust me.
>  But that trust works both ways, by deliberately obfuscating your
>  identity, you created the impression that you were unwilling to trust
>  us.

It's also the reason I personally use my real name online. It's a way
for me to say "you can trust me."

-- Charles

You hit the nail on the head Charles.

...and most people, by default, DO use their real names on the
internet, on their blogs, with their email ids...until a bad
experience for themselves or for someone known to them makes them
change. I was mohandeepa on Skype until I got hit on by Hormone
Harries, when I changed to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Where I feel
safe, I do use my own name. On my blog, I used a variation of my name
until I felt secure enough, and then have had no problems with using
my own identity. The average Joe or Joanna (and the above-average ones
that I know, too) seem to be comfortable "in their own skins". If at
all, they might use a nickname or an associated name, but deliberately
submerging one's identity in another...that's something  that would
make me, as a normally open person, rather uncomfortable.

I haven't put this quite as well as Charles does....but I think it's
"I yam what I yam". It's open..and simple.

Dedeepaed (Indeed Deepa.)

>  >  va created the imagination, that at/around Dinesh there is a bunch of
>  > people which mixup there identities. I pointed out that
>  >  1) there is no indication of that, only mistrust in those people who
>  > claimed to write an email.
>  That seems like an obvious consequence.
>  It is precisely because of the fragility of email addresses as
>  indication of identity that deliberately breaking that association
>  causes such an strong reaction.
>  It's also the reason I personally use my real name online. It's a way
>  for me to say "you can trust me."
>  -- Charles

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