The White House says the President's (Bush) visit is
intended, in part, to celebrate 75 years of formal
U.S.-Saudi relations. But the rising price of oil
commanded attention.

When Bush first ran for president in 2000, he
criticized the Clinton administration for high fuel
prices and said the president must "jawbone" oil
producing nations and persuade them to drop rates. At
that time, oil was nearing $28 a barrel. The run-up of
oil prices lately has been dramatic.,0,2908986.story

The above news item from Los Angeles Times does not
explain why the price is now US$ 128 per barrel and
still Bush is not doing anything about it.

The 5 possible reasons for Rise in Oil prices that (as
per Saudi press) went up 6 times in last 6 years (with
% of probability in brackets- my estimates)"

1. OPEC supplying 38% of the Global market is
controlling the market and making prices to go up.
(0%- how can a 14 member supplier group with less than
50% market share control the total market?)

2. World Oil wells will soon run out of Oil within
next 10 years and then price of Oil will be several
times more. (20%- only 20% of world oil wells will run
out in next 10 years including India's. Middle east
and Africa will still keep pumping oil for next 100

3. China & India's demands are driving up world prices
(30%- Yes it is true that both China & India are
consuming and importing more Crude- an increase of
over 30% by volume- why they choose to do it at prices
5 times normal is a mystery to common men rather than
spending even 10% of that money in Oil saving measures
such as improving local transportation or developing
Solar energy)

4. The future markets based in US & Europe (controlled
by Rich Jews) is deliberately playing the markets to
increase the price to infuritate the western world to
attack middle-east as they succeded in doing in Iraq
in 2003 at a much lower price level. Meanwhile they
are gaining everyday in a bull market controlled by
them (50%- most logical conspiracy theory)

5. US and West want a "World-War-3" to rescue their
economies after major industries moved out of their
region (to East) and with their currencies under
pressure before it is too late to rescue or intervene.
Hence they first created the Oil Crisis and now the
food crisis so that common people will start rioting
in the streets of several countries and then they can
introduce a new world order with their superior
military force. (100% my guess)

P.B.Varadha Rajan (a friend who lives in Dubai).

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