On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 18:24 +0900, Jim Grisanzio wrote:
> the trains here, but I also felt rather restricted. Sometimes I just 
> want to go over /there/ and I don't want to have to go through /here/ 
> with all those people just to arrive at my destination. Still an 
> American, I suppose. :) Anyway, the trend is good.
yeah, you'd rather go over /there/ while sitting in a car stuck in
traffic with thousands of other people also going over /there/ or just
slightly away from it :)

i was amazed driving down the 101 carpool lane at peak time with several
km of stationery traffic on the other 3-4 lanes, when i realised that
they were not moving because they were not in the carpool lane which
meant that there were 1000s of cars with just a single occupant, all
going to (almost) the same place.

if they were on a train, they'd spend less money, less time, and be able
to read, work, sleep, eat or whatever.

-rishab, whose trip to geneva last week took a bit over 3 hrs from apt
doorstep to hotel using only public transport... including the 1:30 hr
flight and 1 hr check-in.

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