On Tuesday 17 Jun 2008 6:56:10 am Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Jim Grisanzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > But on a more serious note, Japan is dying. Literally. The whole
> > country. The population today is about 125 million but will be cut in
> > half in 50 years because people are not having kids and the government
> > is determined to keep immigrants (foreigners) out. So, Japan will
> > slowly die away sometime late this century (estimates range, of
> > course).
> The same is happening to Italy and many other first world countries.
> I suspect, though, that things will change fairly deeply before that
> happens. In particular, I suspect that we're about to see more change
> in the next 30 years than has been seen in all of human history to
> date...

Let me make a quasi-political statement here. I may be mistaken but the 
shrinking/aging Europeans are the Europeans who built Europe as it is visible 
today. However - populations of the more recent immigrants (it appears to 
me) - such as Turks and Algerians and even Pakistanis are not shrinking by a 
long shot, leading to demographic change and new strains.

This is likely to get worse as Europeans struggle with their laws as opposed 
their emotions.

We live in interesting times.


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