On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Amit Varma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Those two don't seem connected to me. The movie-watching experience at a
> big
> screen, whether at a multiplex or a stand-alone, is entirely different from
> watching a VCD at home. How many people on this list think they are
> substitutable, and would cancel a plan to go see a film at the theatre
> because they found a VCD of the film that they can watch in their living
> room? To use a loose analogy, restaurants don't go out of business because
> people can cook at home. It's just a different category of experience.

But the gap in experiences is closing steadily. Large-screen TVs, home
theatre systems, etc. are becoming more and more affordable.

Aadisht Khanna
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