On Friday 22 Aug 2008 6:19:28 am Rishab Ghosh wrote:
> what a nice analogy! and i think what some people in this discussion have
> been suggesting is that the boy might well want to do various things with
> the girl, and not let her go, and have many arguments for it, but at some
> point the girl's own opinions are perhaps worth considering... and
> (horrors!) perhaps she should be able to leave if she wants to.

The analogy is better than I had intended - but nevertheless the girl's fate 
is inextricably tied up with the boy's intention no matter how many 
tears "well intentioned" people might want to shed about facts. But the media 
fantasies about their own alternative scenarios goes on.

The boy-girl story has an ending. We all grew up and stopped fantasizing. And 
zipped up (our mouths - just in case anyone has naughty thoughts). Just 
waiting for that eventuality to befall others as well.


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