On Tuesday 02 Sep 2008 9:59:09 am Deepa Mohan wrote:
> We are excellent at eliminating waste from what we consider "our" space,
> whether bodily, or geographical;  but ...er...refuse to think about that
> waste after that point.

For a Hindu "Thinking about waste" after getting rid of it is the hallmark of 
an impure mind that cannot have higher thoughts. Which is silly IMHO.

I sometimes point out to shit on the pavement and say "Ugh - look at that 
shit". The responese is "Cheee! Don't be dirty". The fact is that both I and 
the "Chee don't be dirty" person have both noticed the shit. We do not step 
on it, but step over it. But the "Chee" Indian chooses to put the shit out of 
his mind as an impure thought process.

Purity for the Hindu is internal purity. Get rid of shit and don't think about 


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