On Tuesday 21 Oct 2008 1:03:06 am Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> You know this for a fact, eh? I think you would have your medical
> license pulled for doing something like that.

LOL this is precisely what I am talking about. The loosely wielded threat 
that "you can have your medical license pulled". The sword of Damocles that 
is shown at the drop of a hat. That is what causes this parody.

It only goes to show that the law is an ass. A doctor can delay treatment by 
several minutes in a dire emergency and call for a "code" and the law will 
actually proetct him for doing that. Patients are, of course entirely at the 
mercy of the medical system and if doctors are humane - lucky for the 

The problem is when the law says that the doctor's treatment becomes legally 
appropriate only if it conforms to a code, regardless of his training and 
experience. You gotta hope that your illness falls into a code that the 
doctor can justify. You know that. Your lawyr knows that. The doctor knows 
that. But does your disease know that it must conform to a code?

Doctors outside the US would ROTFL at this situation if it wasn't so stupid.

> > If the treatment is given without that code certification, the
> > doctor can get sued. Succesfully.
> You can get sued for all sorts of things, but not for that, so far as
> I know.

What you know what you know. I will not say who my sources are - so you can 
take what I say FWIW.


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