On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 05:49:52PM +0530, Srini Ramakrishnan wrote:

> The one Pogue talks about cuts off after 90 minutes (at least if you
> are running on battery). Besides even traditional projectors need some

The current crop of LED-lit video projectors are too dim for
daylight viewing. Next-generation should be able to.

What I'd like to have is a lightweight HMD or a HUD with 30+ opening
angle and a decent exit pupil. Stereo nice to have, but not really that

I have been waiting for this for the last 20 years.

> cool off time after a few hours. Of course this is not entirely a bad
> thing, especially if you want to control your TV viewing.

I don't need a TV. I need an immersive display for virtual environments
(Second Life, OpenSim). And, occasionally, HD movies (though I haven't
watched a movie in months, admittedly).
> Cheeni *who thinks TV is over rated and found most happiness during 3
> years of TV less existence, but sadly right now has a 12 year old CRT
> at home*

My only CRT is sitting in storage unused, awaiting unanticipated use
or, more likely, recycling.

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