Mohit (मॊिहत) wrote, [on 11/15/2008 9:05 AM]:

> I need to learn how to use chopsticks...and swimming...and
> dancing...and smiling while stabbing someone.

That reminds me of all of the various things that I will do When I have
The Time (small unrepresentative sample follows)

* Masters degree in cryptography
* Learn Perl
* Find those treasured old college ripped jeans and lose 2 inches around
the middle so I can wear them, dammit
* Krav Maga
* Finish off my TBR pile (~200 books at last count)
* Get back to reasonable fluency in French
* Meet up with all the several dozen friends with whom my primary
interaction these days is occasional phone calls saying "we MUST meet"

Share yours, o wise ones?

This has the makings of a[nother] monster thread.

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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