Udhay: you are a sadist :p

Ok. Just to put it in perspective. My comment was not with respect to "if i
had the time", but more to do with those "someday" wishes we all seem to
have. The two lists are not mutually exclusive however, and so i'll just
categorise them as "things to do before i die". heh!

My list (in no particular order):

   1. Clear Google Reader - Starred items (700+ at the moment)
   2. Financial Projections for 2008-2043
   3. Plan European Trip - 4 weeks - May-June 2009
   4. Form IT-BHU Ceramic Engineers' Association
   5. Teach - Prepare course material for management Course, starting next
   6. Launch own business - performance management solutions for mid-sized
   7. Travel to Australia, New Zealand, Yellowstone National Park,
   Rajasthan, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Munich, Italy, African
   8. Write a book
   9. Learn Swimming
   10. Learn poker
   11. Finish off to-Read books on the shelf (30 fiction & 10 non-fiction at
   the moment)
   12. Read the books on the to-read list in excel file (110 at the moment)
   13. go on a long trek

Some of these are obviously more achievable (e.g. 1-3,11) than others;
some will NEVER get done (e.g. 12 - there will always be people writing more
& more good books);
some will take a fair bit of work & planning (4-7);
some are wishes & will need help from other people (6-7; 9, 10 & 13)

Actually, scrap that. Most of these will need planning, luck, courage &
support to accomplish. And that's what makes it all worthwhile.

BTW, reading through others' lists is a great experience. I hope you guys
won't mind if i get "inspired" :)


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