Udhay Shankar N wrote:

Share yours, o wise ones?

Oh, what the heck. Small sample of mine too:

* Do cartoon voiceovers for English cartoons
* Become proficient at Latin dancing (from current zilch skill)
* Start a no-nonsense ad agency
* Improve my singing skills
* Catch up on my TBR book list (currently about 30 books or so)
* Take 6 months off work to travel
* Have a web site on the side that makes decent pocket money every month
* Figure out who my real friends are
* Actually spend time understanding PHP fully
* Write more cooking-related articles
* Restart dead blog(s)

PS: Udhay, for a moment I thought you posted this on Satin, then realised it was on Silk, so quickly edited out the admin stuff I had written about the thread. :P

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Madhu Menon
Shiok Far-eastern Cuisine
Moss Cocktail Lounge
96, Amar Jyoti Layout, Inner Ring Road, Bangalore
@ http://shiokfood.com  | http://mosslounge.com

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