On Sunday 23 Nov 2008 9:24:55 am Srini Ramakrishnan wrote:
> Cheeni *in a hurry, need to expend more thought on this*

In a country where there are several hundred million "forward caste people" 
including all TamBrams and a huge proprtion of SilkList - declaring the whole 
group as bigoted and intolerant seems to be quite OK. At the drop of a hat I 
can pull out  several media articles in which it is as perfectly politically 
correct to be scathing and derisive of "the forward castes" of India and 
pretend that they, as a group have nothing good in them.

In fact writing something good about forward castes is a problem. The minute 
you do that you become a "Hindutvadi", a "fascist", a "bigot' and a "racist"

in India, if you hail from a "forward caste" background you have to play that 
down, unlike a non Forward  Caste (FC) background that must be flaunted to 
get reservation and sympathy as a person "oppressed" by the FCs

But yet, when it comes to cursing Hindutva - it is the "forward castes" who 
are to blame. 


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