On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Venkat Mangudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Deepa Mohan wrote:
> > No, no...as *I* see it, 3 is a mystic number (trinity etc), and so is 9
> > which is thrice three (all the TVS family members, please note, even
> today
> > have car number plates which total up to 9) and 12 times 9 is 108...this
> is
> >
> But why 12 times nine? What is the significance of 12 here?

*I* was looking at *your* link to find an explanation! :)

"Ennai thEdu...." (Search me!)

You need to make an appointment with the ...er...numerous numerologists
whose boards have sprung up all over Chennai, (btw I live in Blr,
thankfully; I have lived in Chennai once for 11 years and the second time
for 4 and a half years and never got to like the place)...and ask them, I am
sure each will give a new and creative explanation.

I find a lot of people are now making up esoteric-sounding stuff to explain
arcane concepts, and since I can only pinpoint some as being untrue, I can't
rebut the others.

Have any of you gone to these "nAdi" astrologers who claim that your
horoscope is written on a palm leaf in their little poky offices, and play
20 questions to elicit a lot of information from you?

I wrote about someone who is now a Tarot Card reader


He is very sincere about it, but I still have an open mind on the
subject...I think it is as much psychology as card-reading that he actually



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